Sega Genesis
Game Title: Garfield: Caught in the Act
The Sega Genesis game Garfield: Caught in the Act contains push-button type cheats to be entered in the Pause Menu, a few of which seem glitchy. After successfully inputting a cheat, you will hear a sound effect.
Refill Health
Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up.
99 Projectiles
C, Down, B, Left, A, Up.
Stage Skip
A, C, Up, Down, Up, Right.
Gain A Life
Up, Down, B, A, Right, C.
After death, the screen will not scroll?
Left, A, A, B, C, Down.
Unknown Effect
Down, Up, A, B, Up, Right.
Invulnerability (Blink)
Down, A, Left, Left, B, C.
Debug Movement Mode
A, Right, C, C, B, Up.
Heather Pause Menu [99 Projectiles & 9 Lives Pausing will reset game]
Left, C, Down, Up, B, Right.
Here is an Action Replay code to enable 'Debug Movement Mode':
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