Sega Genesis
Game Title: Batman: Revenge of the Joker
The Sega Genesis game Batman: Revenge of the Joker contains disabled passwords as well as a Cheat Mode. Five boss fight passwords were disabled by being an exact copy of another password.
Here is a list of every password:
- 6020 1-1
- 7822 1-2
- 7822 Level 1 Boss
- 8766 2-1
- 8756 2-2
- 6101 3-1
- 1047 3-2
- 1047 Level 3 Boss
- 1880 4-1
- 5278 4-2
- 5278 Level 4 Boss
- 1168 5-1
- 7604 5-2
- 0021 6-1
- 7511 6-2
- 7511 Level 6 Boss
- 1004 7-1
- 1004 Final Battle
The above set of passwords (besides the disabled ones) can be directly entered without having to enter another password first.
- 1100 1-1
- 1200 1-2
- 1300 Level 1 Boss
- 2100 2-1
- 2200 2-2
- 3100 3-1
- 3200 3-2
- 3300 Level 3 Boss
- 4100 4-1
- 4200 4-2
- 4300 Level 4 Boss
- 5100 5-1
- 5200 5-2
- 6100 6-1
- 6200 6-2
- 6300 Level 6 Boss
- 7100 7-1
- 7200 Final Battle
The next set of passwords above can't be entered until you enter one of the two following passwords.
- 1408 [Same effect as 5257 besides it shows ERROR! instead of the image of mushrooms.]
The last two passwords listed above enable Cheat Mode.
Known Effects of Cheat Mode:
1. Can start on the stage of choice by using any password.
2. Pressing Start on controller 2 will pause the game, likely for screenshot taking.
3. Pressing the A button on controller 2 during gameplay will skip to the next stage.
4. Pressing the B button on controller 2 during gameplay will show the end game credits.
5. Pressing the C button on controller 2 during gameplay will restore Batman's health.
Game Genie Codes:
Cheat Mode Enabler [Unlocks Controller 2 Pausing]
Press C To Refill Health [Controller 2]
Note: Must use with Cheat Mode Enabler.
Press A To Skip To The Next Stage [Controller 2]
Press B To View The End Game Credits [Controller 2]
Note: Must use with Cheat Mode Enabler.
OR all 3 combined:
Full Cheat Mode Enabled
Here are Game Genie codes to re-enable the 5 boss passwords:
Password 1111 Re-Enabled
GERA-FCSJPassword 2222 Re-Enabled
GJRA-FES6Password 3333 Re-Enabled
GNRT-FGJJPassword 4444 Re-Enabled
GTRT-FJJ6Password 5555 Re-Enabled